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Table 3 Interview results of patients who did not receive genetic counseling during the pre-multistep approach with multidisciplinary team management period

From: Using a multistep approach with multidisciplinary team to increase the diagnosis rate of Lynch syndrome-associated colorectal cancer after universal screening: a single-center study in Japan

Main reason for not receiving genetic counseling

n = 24

Do not wish to have a detailed examination due to advanced age, n (%)

11 (45.8)

No interest in inherited colorectal cancer, n (%)

5 (20.8)

No family history of Lynch syndrome-associated cancer, n (%)

2 (8.3)

Insufficient explanation of inherited colorectal cancer, n (%)

2 (8.3)

Childless, n (%)

2 (8.3)

No money to have genetic testing, n (%)

1 (4.2)

Hospital death, n (%)

1 (4.2)