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Table 5 Quotes representing several motivations to cancer screening and adherence

From: Heterogeneity in the psychosocial and behavioral responses associated with a diagnosis of suspected Lynch syndrome in women with endometrial cancer

Motivations to cancer screening and adherence

Representative quotes

Prevention, early detection, or reduction of risk of any future cancers

Oh, I think over the years it was to try and avoid any cancer for myself I suppose because of the family history and various family members that were having a cancer diagnosis. So, the motivation was to try and avoid having any very late diagnosis of cancer. – Emilia (73 years)

I think I’ve got a better chance of finding it [cancer] earlier because I’m getting checked regularly. – June (67 years)

Knowing like, being a nurse, I know that you can’t be complacent with these things and your genetic health is out of our hands. So, if I was to ignore the advice that I’ve been given and find that I’ve had a cancer that I could have intercepted early, I would be very disappointed in myself for being complacent. – Kylie (58 years)

Wanting to live longer or not wanting to die young

I want to get to old age. I don’t want to die young. (…) Yeah, I just want to, my motivation is to live not only a long life, but to have good quality of life. – Tessa (67 years)

I want to live to I’m a hundred. I’ve always wanted. I got a life to live, lot of things I want to do. – Amina (59 years)

Healthcare professional recommendation

That’s just, I follow the doctor’s advice on that one. I rather have it, yearly screening tests. That’s essentially testing for cancer, so why wouldn’t we? Why wouldn’t I keep an eye on it? I think I’m very practical in that sense. – Reeta (51 years)

Basically, anything the doctor says is a good idea, as long as it [cancer screening] makes sense to me, and it is not a crack pot idea, I’m happy to do it. – Frankie (53 years)

Not affect family members

I’d like to be healthy and to make sure nothing will affect my children or grandchildren. – Rebecca (75 years)