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Table 1 NCCN selection criteria for screening of mutations in BRCA1and BRCA2

From: High frequency of pathogenic non-founder germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 in families with breast and ovarian cancer in a founder population

At least one of the following criteria has to be met:

1. Personal history of breast cancer diagnosed < age 45 years

2. Personal history of breast cancer diagnosed < age 50 years and at least one case of breast cancer at any age in close blood relative

3. Personal history of triple negative breast cancer diagnosed < age 60 years

4. Personal history of breast cancer diagnosed at any age and at least two cases of breast cancer diagnosed at any age or at least one close blood relative with breast cancer diagnosed ≤50 years or at least one blood relative with ovarian carcinoma or a close male blood relative with breast cancer

5. Personal history of ovarian cancer

6. Personal history of male breast cancer