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Table 1 Incidence of polyps and cancer following segmental resection

From: Post-surgical surveillance in Lynch syndrome--a Cleveland Clinic experience

#FU Exams

#FU exams detected polyps

#FU exams detected pathologically advanced polyps*

#FU exams detected cancers

Interval between FU & polyp detected (range= 0.5–4.5 yrs)

Interval between FU & cancer detected (range= 0.5-3 yrs)


25 (48%)

7 (13%)

4 (8%)

Mean= 1.5yr

Median= 1yr

Mean= 1.4yr

Median= 1yr

  1. *pathologically advanced polyp is described as an adenoma being 1cm or larger, having a villous component, or high-grade or severe dysplasia.